Friday, 16 October 2015

Water Bottle Rocket Experiment

On Monday we did an experiment it was called The Water Bottle Rocket.
I had completed this task with two of my classmates Teina and Tiere, this
task involved Vinegar, Baking Soda etc.
Water Bottle Rocket from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Kiwi port Snag Golf

WALT - make a DLO about our Kiwi Sport experience (Snag Golf). Hugh was very informative on the instructions he was telling whilst we were throwing the ball like standing side on and keeping your arms straight.  Here is a Link for the Video of some of my classmates trying it out. Click Here

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Niuean Language Week!

Niuean Language Week
Image result for Niue flag
Months in Niuean!
Lanuali  - January
Fepuali  - February 
Masi   -  March
Apelila  - April
Me  -  May 
Luni  - June
Lulai  - July
Aokuso - August
Sepetema  - September
Oketopa - October
Novema - November
Tesemo - December